Saturday, July 5, 2014

Ebisu Atelier d’Art Newsletter July 2014 / 恵比寿アトリエでアート ニュースレター 2014年7月号

Ebisu Atelier d’Art Newsletter July 2014

I just wanted to send out a quick thank you letter to everyone who was able to come to my exhibition in Galerie Adecat at the New Prince Hotel in Shinagawa. It was a very nice show and we had a lot of fun at the reception. You can see some pictures from the reception on our Facebook Page and our Blog. I understand that it was very quick notice and for this a lot of you were unable to attend. It was so sudden in fact that I was only asked a couple of days before the opening if I could hold a show! Still it was a very fine opportunity to have a show at a good gallery in a place as famous as the Prince Hotel. If there is anyone who missed the show but would still like to see the paintings they are welcome to come to the Atelier and I will give you a private viewing.
            Otherwise classes are still going on here everyday and a lot of nice things are being made by everyone. I am getting close to finishing the sculpture model that I have been working on for some time which will be going to a bronze foundry in Saitama hopefully soon, and with any luck will be able to install it at Paz University in Gunma this Autumn. You can see some progress pictures of that on our Facebook page, but I will try and post some on the blog as well.
            Lastly a reminder that we will be holding our annual student exhibition which is open to anyone and everyone, past, present and new students in October. It will be held at Il Solito Gallery which is very close to our Atelier. I will make formal call for submissions in the next letter, but if you would like to join us let me know and continue making beautiful artwork!

Hope everyone is keeping cool in this heat,
Craig & Romeo

恵比寿アトリエでアート ニュースレター 20147月号

   まず、ニュープリンスホテル、Galerie Adecatでの展示会にお越しくださった皆様に御礼を申し上げます。お陰さまで素晴らしい展示会となり、レセプションも楽しいものとなりました。その日の様子は、フェイスブックとブログに掲載しましたので、ぜひご覧下さい。今回の展示会のお知らせが急だったため、お越しいただけなかった方も多かったかと思います、実は、私自身も展示会の数日前に、出展の誘いを受けたのです。かの有名なプリンスホテルで展示会をできるとは大変光栄なことです。もし、その時の絵をご覧になりたい方がいらっしゃいましたら、アトリエにお越しください。個人的にお見せしますので。
 最後になりましたが、10月には、毎年恒例の生徒さんの作品展示会を開催します。今の生徒さんはもちろん、過去の生徒さん、新しい生徒さん、どなたでも、見学、出展ともに大歓迎です。場所は、アトリエのすぐ近く「Il Solito Gallery」です。


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