Friday, January 25, 2013



Dr. Sketchy’s というイベントを開催しています。Dr. Sketchy’sとは、2005年にニューヨークで始まったスピードスケッチのイベントで、各国のバーレスクを題材としていて、現在では、世界各国に広まっています。
バーレスクとは、セクシーな衣装をまとったプロのモデルさんのことです。ヌードではありませんがDr. Sketchy’sは子供向けではありません。
私とDr. Sketchy’sの出会いは、2009年に来日した時です。そして今年からこのイベントを主催することになりました。とてもエキサイティングなこのイベントに皆さんがいらっしゃるのをお待ちしています。絵の経験は関係ありません。参加者は、まったくの初心者の方から、セミプロのような方まで、また国籍も多様です。参加費は2000円で、おいしいブリトーとサラダなど、簡単な食事と、DJによる音楽もついてきます。
場所は各国のアーティストも通う六本木の『PINK COW』、暖かい雰囲気のレストランです。
次回のDr. Sketchy’sは、1月30日(水)、6時開場、7時開始10時終了の予定です。予約不要で、途中入退場も自由です。詳しくは、以下のURLでご覧ください。



Newsletter January 2013

Ebisu Atelier d’Art Newsletter January 2013

Happy belated New Years to everyone! I hope that everyone had a great new year and everything is already going along well. We opened up on January 8 and have had a busy first 2 weeks. We had our first weekly life drawing with a model last Tuesday. If you have not come out and drawn from a live model you should as it is very fun and exciting.
As some of you may know I have been going to and helping run a monthly drawing event called Dr. Sketchy’s. It is an international burlesque themed drawing event that started in New York in 2005 and quickly spread around the world. Though the models are professional performers and in costume this may not be suitable for children. When I came to Tokyo in 2009 I found this event and have been going ever since. From this year I will be taking the lead in organizing this event. It is a a of fun and of course everyone is welcome. It doesn’t matter how well you can draw there are complete beginners and very expert artists alike who come to this event. It is very mixed Japanese and foreigners. There is a great buffet and a live DJ and all for only 2,000. It is held at the Pink Cow in Roppongi which is a restaurant and art bar. The food is great and the atmosphere very warm and inviting. Many foreign and Japanese artists can often be found there. The next Dr. Sketchy’s event will be held on Wednesday January 30th. The event is from 7-10, but it is ok to be early or late. There is no need to make reservations, but you can if you like. You can find more information on Dr. Sketchy’s at If you are on Facebook we have a page there and there is an event page for this months event for more about the Pink Cow please visit
Looking forward to seeing everyone back at the Atelier soon. We will try to have more events this year. Sorry that we were not able to have a Christmas party last year. We will certainly have another hanami party this year, as it was such great fun last year. Importantly we will be organizing a student exhibition. More on that next month….

Take care and hope to see you soon,

Craig & Romeo